Thursday, 26 March 2020

COVID-19: UK’s critical HVACR needs

Covid-19: Onus falls on industry to determine UK’s critical HVACR needs


Resultat d'imatges per a foto uk


Guidance HVAC Systems Coronavirus

ASHRAE has developed proactive guidance

 to help address coronavirus concerns with respect to the operation and maintenance of HVAC systems.
covid guide hvacr

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Ventile the Viruses DOES NOT TURN IT OFF.

HVAC Ventilation against Covid19


Covid-19, UK’s critical HVACR needs

Covid-19: Onus falls on industry to determine UK’s critical HVACR needs 

There is no formal government advice at present on how heating and cooling specialists should determine what projects should be postponed or considered essential in terms of the national pandemic response. Click on the image to know more.

Covid 19 HVAC needs

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Covid19 Important information

Dear Customer, Dear Partner, 

We are going through an unprecedented health crisis. In this context, prioritizes the health and safety of its teams, customers and partners, in line with various government recommendations. As such, telework is the rule when possible. 

To date, we ensure the continuity of our ordering, production and delivery operations. However, as the situation can change quickly, our team will do everything possible to contact you directly if we detect an impact on one of your orders. 

Your regular correspondents can be reached by phone, email, video, to ensure the continuity of your files. At TRONIC, we are convinced that solidarity, a sense of responsibility and benevolence will help us to pass this milestone. 

Thank you for your loyalty. 

Tronic Team

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Lift Doors frequency inverters

We want to show you how we do it!

Lift's Doors Frequency Inverters manufactured,in

handmade lift inverters

We do imagine, we do create, we do manufacture.


Sunday, 15 March 2020

Tronic's important communication

Important information

Dear Customer, Dear Partner, 

We are going through an unprecedented health crisis. 

In this context, prioritizes the health and safety of its teams, customers and partners, in line with various government recommendations. As such, telework is the rule when possible. 

To date, we ensure the continuity of our ordering, production and delivery operations. However, as the situation can change quickly, our team will do everything possible to contact you directly if we detect an impact on one of your orders. 

Your regular correspondents can be reached by phone, email, video, to ensure the continuity of your files. 

At TRONIC, we are convinced that solidarity, a sense of responsibility and benevolence will help us to pass this milestone. 

Thank you for your loyalty.